Our Community

Founded in 1978 the Erraid Community is part of the Findhorn Foundation. We are a spiritual community and the thread that brings us together is our search for a holistic quality of life and a greater expression of our divinity.

The cottages and buildings on the island are owned by a Dutch family. The community  lives rent-free in the cottages in exchange for  maintenance of the land and buildings.

The resident group on the island usually consists of between 3 – 10 members, including single people, couples and families. Turnover is gradual, with members staying for anything from one to five or more years.

During their time on the island members are custodians of a simple and largely unchanging way of life. They live in close proximity to each other and work solely within the community. Each member has areas of focus for which they are responsible, for DSCN9541example, the gardens, kitchen, wood, boats, homecare, animals and maintenance . Our daily tasks, which we view as Love in Action, revolve around these areas for members and guests alike.

Meditation, group sharings and communal meals create a strong sense of unity and solidarity. We also celebrate the Celtic Festivals throughout the year, giving us a greater appreciation for the rhythms and seasonal cycles of life.