Data Privacy Policy

Use and protection of data provided to the Erraid community, part of the Findhorn Foundation (registered charity SC007233)

Personal information

What personal data does the Erraid community collect about me when I book one or more weeks?

Our online booking forms asks you for your:

  • Name, address, phone number, email address
  • Date of birth, gender identity
  • Whether you have any specific needs relating to a disability or health condition
  • Your previous workshop and course experience with us or the Findhorn Foundation
  • Medical information it would be helpful for us to know about
  • Special dietary needs and food allergies
  • Animal allergies
  • Contact details for someone we can get in touch with in the event of an emergency.
  • Car registration for safety reasons
  • A short introduction of yourself

We use this information to communicate with you about your booking, allocate rooms and support your health. It is retained for up to a year.

For some workshops we ask for additional information or a personal statement to assist us in assessing our duty of care responsibilities and to enable us to perform our contractual obligations. The additional materials are kept in a secure file during your workshop and then disposed of securely.

When you book we also ask whether you would be happy for us to contact you by email after your visit with updates and requests for support from the Erraid community. If you consent your contact information is retained for this purpose until you notify us otherwise.

What information does the Erraid community collect about me when I arrive?

When a week starts we will confirm:

  • Special dietary needs and food allergies, animal allergies
  • Contact details for someone we can get in touch with in the event of an emergency.

This information is used by the facilitators and kitchen team to fulfil our contractual obligations and our duty of care responsibilities. Dietary requirements are recorded on a noticeboard in the kitchen so it is easily accessible for all our cooks, and is wiped clean at the end of your stay.

We will always ask your consent before taking photographs and indicate how they may be used (eg. in social media or on our website)

Guest fees

How is online payment information processed?

If your payment or donation is made through the Findhorn Foundation website we do not have access to your payment card details. These are processed by Sage Pay.

You may choose to have your payment processed by Paypal. We would also not have access to your card details.

How are off-line payments processed?

Telephone and in person credit or debit card transactions are handled by trained members of the community. We have a card reader to take payments from you during your visit. Your card details are not retained after the tranaction is completed.

If you transfer funds from your own bank account, we are not provided with your account details.

What if I have provided account details for a refund?

If you provide your account details so that we can provide a refund by bank transfer or Paypal, we will not retain your card / account information after the transaction.

Making a donation

To process a donation we ask for your name, address, phone number and email address. We use this information to communicate with you about your donation and for financial auditing purposes. We will ask if you would be willing to complete a Gift Aid Declaration.

If you make a donation, including online, for an Erraid appeal, your personal details will be securely retained by us unless your gift is made anonymously.

Access to and use of data

Who at the Erraid community has access to my data?

All current and trial members of the Erraid community have access to the booking information you provide.

Donation information is used by the members responsible for our accounts and PR to implement donations and stay in touch with donors.

The IT workers at the Findhorn Foundation, who are trained to respect your right to privacy, have access to the systems where your data may be stored to keep them running smoothly.

How is my information used to keep me up-to-date with the Erraid community and the Findhorn Foundation news and activities.

The Findhorn Foundation will send regular emails about news, activities or fundraising if you have opted in to receive these. If you haven’t opted in yet, you can do so here. We may also occasionally send updates and fundraising requests specifically from Erraid if you have consented to this when booking or at the end of your stay.

What if I want to change my communication preferences at a later date?

You have the right to unsubscribe from Findhorn Foundation communications. Every email message sent by the foundation includes a link to opt out of future emails.

If you no longer wish to receive Erraid specific emails, then do get in touch with us. You can also contact usto change your postal or email address.

Do you ever share my information with third parties?

We do not give your personal data to third parties unless we have safety concerns or there are legal requirements to do so.

How long will you keep my information?

We are legally required to keep records of financial transactions for seven years for accountancy and audit purposes.

Your donation information (except credit or debit card details) is held on our secure accounting database so that we can keep a record of your support for us and meet regulatory requirements.

The right to be forgotten

At your request, we will remove and destroy all your personal data except records of financial transactions we are legally required to retain or other personal data which may need to be retained for authorised legal or regulatory purposes. The record of courses you have attended will be lost. If you visit the Erraid community at a later date, we will re-start the booking process. Contact us by email ( to request removal of your data.

If you have any questions or wish to make a complaint about our data practices then please email If you have done this and still do not feel that we have addressed your concerns, please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office or call the helpline on 0303 123 1113.

Last updated 10 December 2020