Radical Gratitude Awakening Retreat


Will Pye returns to Erraid on the 16th May, offering a week of meditation, guided enquiry and powerfully transformative psycho-spiritual exercises designed to facilitate your next steps of healing, transformation and awakening.

Prioritise your peace and well-being, enjoy a week of self-care and discovery amidst the tranquillity and restorative beauty of the island with plenty of time for walks, solitude, reflection and integration whilst participating in community life.

Participants will –

– Learn simple but powerful practises to allow more happiness and joy.
– Explore our true nature, dropping into the stillness and peace of Being.
– Alchemise, problem, pain and difficulty into possibility and opportunity.
– Release old patterns and embody a whole new way of being in life.
– Gain the opportunity to relax, enjoy and delight in experience.

Participants Can Expect To Gain –

– Enhanced Inner peace and levels of relaxation and joy
– Deepened insight into your true nature
– Tools and techniques to maintain and expand this in daily life
– More energy, zest for life and clarity around why you are here.

As ever participants will be welcome to participate in Love in Action via a couple of kitchen duty sessions.

Price: attunement between £550 – £850.